A Family-Owned Painting & Remodeling Business
From residential to commercial painting and remodeling jobs, LM Coatings pairs professional quality with the friendly customer service you expect from a family-owned and operated business. We proudly offer our services in Knoxville and the surrounding neighborhoods.
The Painting & Remodeling Services We Offer in the Knoxville Area
We’d like to provide you with a list of the painting, remodeling, and general services we offer. Contact us today to hire a professional and local company to handle the following projects for your home or business.
Painting and staining – interior and exterior paint projects for both commercial and residential customers
Pressure washing
Drywall – installation, replacement, repairing, and finishing
Flooring installation – tile, vinyl, laminate, linoleum, sheet vinyl
Millwork installation services – door installation, window installation, trim work, stairs, railings, and more
Cabinet installation
Decks – repair, replacement, and installation
Tile installation
Roofing and siding